Welcome to the CURV Trailer Orientation series! A travel trailer is a very exciting thing to own, and can give you years of enjoyment. These videos are going to give you a solid foundation in using and caring for your RV!
With the CURV Orientation series, you’ll get:
- The FIRST 15 things to do when you get your RV home!
- Complete walkthrough, inside and out
- Demonstrating usage of water, propane, sewage, and heating/air
- Easy to understand video walkthrough
- Broken down system by system, for easy reference
- Includes “What you need to know” video series
When you’re done, you’ll be able to:
- identify the components that make up your RV
- know what each of them do
- know the 3 critical maintenance items most overlooked
- have a grasp on the necessary vocabulary to work with your service department
The most important thing you’ll get is confidence – taking the mystery out of your RV so you can start getting comfortable and getting to the dream you wanted to when you purchased it!
**NOTE: Due to the way these videos imported into the new system, you’ll see some missing numbers. Be assured you aren’t missing any videos! It’s ok if you see what looks like “missing” videos – they’re not!